



  • Folk Magic, by its very essence, collapses linear and binary thinking and connects us with a timeless sense of process and belonging to our collective web of life. We work magic by building a cosmology from who we are, where we are, and when we are in spiralic time.

Weaving our web together

  • Authenticity

    Working magic from an understanding of WHO we are. “Know Thyself” is inscribed upon the frontispiece at the Temple of Delphi. We follow the wisdom of the Oracle to remember ourselves back to wholeness by ceasing to appropriate the authenticity of others by coming into right relationship with ourselves. Magic gives you more of what you’ve already got. And honestly, there’s no actual faking it with the spirit world. This is the wellspring of our approach into witchcraft.

  • Embodiment

    We build our practices starting with WHERE we are located. Our basic locale is, of course, our body, and so we learn skills to orient from the innate knowledge of our senses and nervous systems. Through the cultivation of skills, we begin to trust our intuition. Skills and practices, for us, are organized into daily, weekly and monthly devotions to our witchcraft. We teach folks to orient and root in their lives starting from where we already are by focusing on relationship with land, the elements, creating a dedicated altar space, and many other practical touchstones. Reminder: you are a spirit housed in a body!

  • Empowerment

    The ability to hold sacred space and the capacity for ritual blooms when we explore our own sovereignty and work from an empowered center within us. We understand empowerment as relationship with spirit, nature, the built environment, and others. Divination practices flow from our established skills and relationships, decentralizing ego. We embrace magic standing firmly in our modern day context, or the WHEN of our times. We access the change of the seasons, these solar and lunar phases that connect us with the cyclic flow of the universe.

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